Wednesday, 16 May 2007

"Stolen Generation" Reflection

Well, i think that it is "kind" of the whites in Australia to try to "save" the Aborigines from..proverty? However, by doing so, using brute force, they are breaking the families apart and according to an account given by an Aborginal :
" I've got everything that could be reasonably expected: a good home environment, education, stuff like that but that's all material stuff. It's all the non-material stuff that i didn't have--the lineage..."

The whites may have known about the benefit of the project, that is, allowing the Aborginal community to be able to participate in urbanisation, but "the non-material stuffs", such as loss of real identity, feeling displaced, losing lineage, being separated from the family for years, are too great sacrifices made. Why not celebrate cultural diversity, having the whites accepting the Aborginals for who they really are? All in all, looking at the project as a whole, i think that the whites are just invading into the lives of the Aborginal communty, writing laws to legalise their actions, breaking families apart forcibly, because they cannot tolerate cultural diversity.The project is clearly racist.

The beauty of life does not lie in being rich, or being part of the upper class of a superior race. For me, the beauty of life is simple. Having enough to eat, a warm and confortable shelter to cover you from the storms and blazing sun and enjoying the presence of your loved ones. So i think that the Aborginal community should be left undisturbed. The scene of the children being captured "legally" and separated from their families for good is truly disturbing.

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