Saturday, 26 May 2007


Sorry people I was too bored after pia-ing for my Language Arts SIP so now I have a lot of freetime.

^_^ sharing and presenting to you... the art of wine tasting.
(a question to you guys : wine tasting = art?)



The wine should be held in front of a white background so that the colour can be seen!
E.g. White wine : green - yellow - brown (more colour means more flavour and it's older ^_^)
E.g. Red wine : pale red - deep brown red (lighter colour means older!)

Rim colour: the... meniscus. YEPP! purple tint = young . orange - brown = maturity
Swirling: observe body of wine for alcohol content and/or sweetness level


2 methods:
1. take a quick sniff. formulate the flavour. take another sniff
2. just take one big sniff <-- aint this simpler.

RMB to swirl before smelling!.
allow oxygen to enter wine.
"releases the esters, ethers, and aldehydes that combine with oxygen to yield the bouquet of the wine. In other words, swirling aerates the wine and gives you a better smell."

You should be able to smell either:
wood, flower, herbs, spice, fruit, earthy(notsure?)

*remember the smell of the wine that u dont like and don't buy that one. XD


heh. finally! drink up! ... still got steps...

initial taste: your initial impression of it when i just touched ur tastebuds...
taste: take in some air, slosh wine arnd in mouth to taste better
(examine body and texture of wine: light/rich? smooth/harsh?)
after taste: the time the taste lasted in mouth and was it pleasant.

1. Swish the wine around in your mouth

Now we know that all the taste buds on your tongue can detect sweetness, sourness, bitterness and saltiness! (not like what we learnt in primary school, tip of tongue = sweet) So to let all your taste buds enjoy the wine, swish it around in your buccal cavity!

2. Smell the wine
70%-75% of what we taste is what we smell!!!
If you don't smell the wine, you won't be able to enjoy it fully. Without our sense of smell, we CANNOT detect flavours such as smoke, chocolate or herbs.

enjoy packing your luggage!

Brought to you by [[ace`]]
and her aussie group members junhan jillian ky

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