Thursday, 17 May 2007

Our thoughts. Our beginning.

Greetings to all! Our group feels that the video 'Rabbit-Proof Fence' and the session on identity was enriching and inspiring, therefore we would like take these sessions as lessons crucial for the beginning of this new journey to a foreign place.

It is saddening to see racism being displayed in Australia many times ago, where the white Australians strutted around like lords while the Aborigines farmed and led hard times. This demonstrates the fact that people in ancient times did not care who other people were or how they felt. As long as their own needs are met, they are willing to do anything. This proves that respect for each other was not met, resulting in the racism as shown in the video.

As time passes, we have to accept people for who they are and what they do. We are unable to always have our way in doing things. Hopefully through this trip, we would better understand ourselves as individuals and of course, unite as one voice. Peace out.

Xin Yue
Hsien Liang
Sheng Chow

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