Thursday, 17 May 2007

Reflections for 2nd pre-trip session


basically after watching the movie "Rabbit-proof fence", we felt that the white-Europeans in the movie were being racists towards the Aborigines, and that they shouldn't discriminate the native race and try to breed them out. By doing so, as time passes, the native Australian culture that originated from the native Aborgines will be lost forever. This is one of the consequences which other countries suffer when they undergo globalisation. We also began to realise that we're actually very lucky to be in a multi-racial society where people are respected and treated in the same way, regardless of race and religion, hence we should appreciate the society in which we live in.

12 days to go... can't wait...


1 comment:

anon said...

I find this part interesting: "the native Australian culture that originated from the native Aborgines will be lost forever."

What do you mean by "native Australian culture"?

And I wonder - what is the present day "Australian culture"? Is it caucasian/western culture?

Or are there certain aspects of the present "Australian culture" that originate or are influenced by aboriginal culture?

Has the aboriginal culture made a big impact on the 'western culture'?

And if we look at Singapore... is there a "Singapore culture"?

How has each of the different ethnic groups contributed to the development of this "Singaporean culture", supposing it does exist?

What do you all think ar?

*Hmm.. my neurones are firing at a high rate!*